Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Friday 15 April 2016

Evening Routine Spring 2016

Hi chappes,

It's Friday!! Today i wanted to my evening routine, i have done a morning routine so i thought it was time to write an evening one.

Usually i finish revision and homework at 9:30pm and i tend to do a 30-45 minute exercise routine. Normally its 10km cycle on the bike then an ab workout.

I change from my sport clothes into pyjamas, at the moment its onesies. I love onesies, they are warm and comfy.
This is one of my collection- its from new look. Its red with snowflakes. Yes it christmasy but its comfy :)

Then  i take off my makeup and do my skincare routine. Most of my products are the same from my skincare routine post. To add to that post i have been loving the benefit eye potent eye cream.

I then do my teeth and wash my face with a damp towel to make sure all my makeup is off. Then i lay in bed for a while watching youtube videos or episode in demand.

Finally my 'beauty' sleep at 11pm.

Hope you like this post and thank you for your support.

Please comment and follow

Sarah X

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