Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Monday 3 June 2019

June Goals 2019

Happy Monday! Hope you are all well and are having a lovely day. Can't believe its June, nearly halfway through 2019 already. Tomorrow I also finish my first year of uni which is crazy! Meaning I have literally 4 months of summer, so in today's post, I want to share some of my goals for the upcoming months. 

> Blogging: I do love my little blog so I would love to put some more effort into it over the summer. As I felt like posts have been less frequent etc, therefore having more time means more and better posts. 

> Spending lots of time with friends: I'm lucky enough to some gorgeous friends both at home and uni. And I can't wait to spend some time with my home friends soon; with days out, meals etc. To great lovely memories together. 

>  Improve my physical and mental health: it's linked for me as I'm quite a self-conscious person about my appearance so losing weight and toning up for summer will hopefully help with that. Exercise is also really good for you, I recently purchased the Carly Rowen Get Gorgeous Guide and hopefully that will help me on my journey. 

> Travel: I've already got one holiday this summer which I'm looking forward to, it's right at the end of summer. But I would love to go to some more places as travelling is one of my favourite things. I love experiencing new cultures, foods and making lots of memories.

> Enjoying the weather: England has had gorgeous weather recently, but as I've had exams I've been inside most of the day revising so spending time in the sun is something I've been looking forward to. 

Hope you like this post and have a lovely month!

Please comment on your goals for the upcoming months.

Sarah X

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