Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Friday 14 September 2018

What I've Been Watching, Reading and Listening To Lately September 2018

 Happy Friday!! Over the past few months, I have started watching some new shows (as I've got Netflix),  reading some new magazine issues and listen to new music. I'm one of those people who binge watching/listening things on repeat for a while.


I finally got Netflix this month so I might have binged watched Gilmore Girls. I love it, I started it 3 weeks ago and I'm already on Season 7 (oops!!). It's one of those comforts shows that you can watch whenever and whatever your mood. Another show I've been watching is Suits; which is the show I was watching before Gilmore Girls. I do love a detective show and this one is so good!

Youtube is also a constant thing I watch; these few months I love watching Cimorelli. The music covers are so good; my favourite is 'Symphony' or 'Too Good At Goodbyes'


I don't actually read much, well I don't read books, but I do love to read magazine My favourite magazine this month was Vogue as it was the 'The Big Fashion Issue'. I love reading the articles, photography and I seem to have written a rather long wishlist ;) I also love the mini freebies that they also have in the magazine! 


Technically this one is listening/watching as I saw Hamilton last week, which was AMAZING!! This was the first musical I have gone to that I hadn't heard the full soundtrack about 20 times before had -which was actually a really nice change. The music is so good, my personal favourite song is 'Burn' or 'My Shot'. Since watching it, I have listened to the soundtrack quite a bit. It's actually a hard soundtrack to sing along to as there's quite a bit of very fast rap which I can't do ;)

Hope you like this post and have a lovely day! 

Please follow and comment on what you've been watching, reading and listening to lately.

Sarah X

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