Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Saturday 5 March 2016

Chocolate And Oat Cookies Recipe

Hi chappes,

I wanted to share one of favourite cookie recipes- Oat and chocolate  chip cookies. These are so quick to make and they taste so good.

4oz butter/margarine

4oz soft brown/ordinary granulated sugar

 teaspoon of vanilla essence
3oz of plain flour

 1oz  self raising flour

 4oz of porridge oats 
 100g of chopped chocolate 
1. Cream together the butter and sugar until slightly paler and the sugar in all combined to the butter.


2. Add the plain, self raising flour and vanilla extract to the butter and sugar mixture. Stir together with a wooden spoon

3. Add the oats and chocolate to the mixture till well combined 

 < ........TO .............>

4. Make dollops of mixture is squish/flatten them on a tray

Put them in the oven at about 150°c for between  12 to 15 mins (until they look done - a light brown)

Hope you like this blog.

Please try them and comment how they went and follow

Sarah x


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