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Sunday 20 March 2016

Volunteering at the Animal Shelter

Hi chappes,

I wanted to share what I do on Saturday afternoons. I'm doing D of E so i have to do some volunteering. I have been volunteering at the nearest animal shelter for over a year now. I started for D of E but i now carried on as i enjoy it.

These images are of about 1/10 of the cats i have seen in the shelter. Some of their stories are really sad about how they got to the shelter. In some ways it's great that in my area that most of the cats are because the owners are too old so gone into care homes or even dead. But i guess it's better than being abandoned, hurt or strays.
You get cats with variety of ages from elderly ones at 15 to kittens at under 1 month. I'm so surprised that i haven't taken a kitten from the 18 months I've been there. Let's just say it's hard not to take one- they are so cute!

Please help you local animal shelter, every penny counts.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah x 


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