Hi chappes,
I saw a blog i follow called 'Coffee Create London' do a similar post. So i wanted to do something similar.
I'm lucky to go Adele Live in Birmingham at the end of the month. I'm so excited! I love Adele - she's my favourite singer of all time. I can't wait to see her live and to see what extra thing may happen like they have in previous shows.
Prom - June :
The only good thing about exams in the party afterwards. The dress, the new makeup and being with my friends. Prom is 3 days after my exams finish so my target is to get to prom as well as getting A*s. It's probably also the last day i see some of my friends before they go to different colleges.
2 family weddings - June/July :
Most of my cousins are at the stage where they are getting married. Two of my cousins are getting married this year It's also a great opportunity to spend times with my family who i don't get to see as often as i would like.
Canada :
As i have a slightly longer holiday due to exams. I'm going out of Europe for the first time to Canada. I can't wait especially asSephora is down the road from my hotel . Meaning shopping trip.
Hope you like this post.
Comment what you are looking forward to this year.
Please follow.
Happy Wednesday !
Sarah x
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