Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Wednesday 15 March 2017

My Blogging Kit Must-Haves

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to share my blogging kit must haves which I have used over the past year. 
As it may help others who are thinking of starting a blog or it could document how technology has changed or I have changed if I repeated this post in a year or longer. 

Lights, Camera Action - 

I use a Samsung NX3000 with 16-50mm Power Zoom lens and Flash (which unfortunately has been discontinued). It's a gorgeous camera and has a old fashioned look as well as it being 20.3 MP.And the boost the flip-out screen for taking selfies and you can move to adjust the angle. I would highly recommend Samsung camera. But I have heard great things about Canon cameras. But at first and sometimes I still use my iPhone 5s as it has a great camera and its easy to transfer.

I don't use anything special for my lighting - just natural light - and if its too dark I adjust it on my iPhone. Usually I add exposure and brightness.

For backgrounds - I either use plain A3 paper from the local craft shop or I found this marble print try at TK Maxx which makes a really nice backdrop. I try to add magazines, flowers or extras but I need to learn and improve how to add them so if you know how please can you comment or message me - as I would love to improve on that part of my photography.

Writing The Posts -

I write my blogs on my MacBook Air 11 inch - which is amazing as its so compact and moveable. I would highly recommend this laptop and I use Google Blogger which I find really easy to use.

Scheduling Aid-

When I'm really organised I write my ideas in a notebook especially for something like Blogmas but usually i either write them in my 'Notes' on my photo. Or most often - I just create drafts with the Titles of my ideas so they are record and later I can just write them.

I know I'm not the the best at blogging photography - but I hope this might help someone.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X



  1. I've recently invested in a soft box light to help me on those darker days! X


    1. Thank you for commenting Katie and I will have a look at soft box lights - thanks for the recommendation .
      Sarah X

  2. I heard poster paper works too for a background.

    1. Thank you for commenting Lanae and I will try poster paper - thank you for the recommendation X
      Sarah X

  3. Your photography skills definitely look impressive!

    I used to have a notepad for post ideas, but I found that I never had the notepad with me when ideas came to me. Now, I resort to random bits of paper or I do as you do and write them down as a draft in Blogger.

    Great tips!


    1. Thank you for commenting Steph and I'm glad you like my photos - personally I don't think they are the best. I'm really glad you like this post - that means a lot and that is very true - I never carry a notebook.
      Sarah X


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