Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Monday 29 May 2017

May Favourites 2017

Hi chappes,

As its the end of May means it's time for my May Favourites. I can't  believe how quickly these posts come around! 

Beauty Favourites

I've recently written a post on the L'Oreal Hydra Genius Moisturiser  and I completely raved about - its AMAZING! Probably be one of my favourites for quite a few months to come.

As it's been occasion season - a mini mascara has been key in my clutch bag. The one I reached for was the  Charlotte Tilbury Legendary Lashes - this mascara adds so much length and volume.

I was so excited when MAC X Fleur De Force Lipstick came on sale - my sister gladly brought it to me (and she ruined it as well ;)) But I love the colour and formulation of it - perfect for everyday. And will be a great shade for the summer season.

Summer means glowing makeup so Kiko Eye Shadow in 001 is an amazing drugstore highlighter. I like this is suppose to be just an eyeshadow but I love it as a highlighter on the cheekbones as well as the inner corners.

The warmer temperatures means your makeup can slide off your face during the day. But the L'Oreal Infallible Fixing Mist has really helped this month keeping my makeup on all day and leaving my skin looking flawless (well as flawless as it can be) all day.

Other Favourites

I don't really like warm drinks in summer but I love Iced Coffees- they wake you up as well as being so refreshing. 

Places by Lea Michele - Lea is one of my favourite artists and when she said she was bringing out a second album i was so excited. I love all the songs and I really like singing along to them.

Hope you like this post

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


  1. The hydra genius is definitely a product I want to try out

    Beauty Candy Loves

    1. Thank you for commenting Candice and I would highly recommend Hydra Genius moisturiser - its AMAZING!
      Sarah X

  2. MAC Fleur de Force lipstick is so pretty! Too bad it's only available in the UK :( x

    1. Thank you for commenting Erin - Fleur De Force is a gorgeous shade and I think it was open to international delivery on Selfridges.
      Sarah X

  3. I want to try the Loreal Hydra Genius products, they look amazing but I think they are not available here yet.


    1. Thank you for commenting Yiota and I'm sure it will be available soon X
      Sarah X

  4. I've heard such good things about that CT mascara! We finally got a Starbucks in my town so hopefully I can try iced coffees lol :)

    Beauty From Katie

    1. Thank you for commenting Katie and I would highly recommend the mascara and I love the Starbuck ice coffee but there isn't one near me but Costas is also good.
      Sarah X


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