Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Cosmopolitan Magazine Issue November 2016

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to write a review about Cosmopolitan magazine November 2016 issue. 

I do have to admit one of the reasons I picked up this issue was that Zoe was on of the front and she had a 6 page article. I do have to admit I am proud of Zoe as I remember when her first front cover in the company magazine. Now she is on the front cover of Cosmopolitan one of the biggest magazine in the UK. CRAZY!!! 
And all of Zoes photos are amazing and I love her article and its great that she announced Zoe and Joe are releasing merch which will hopefully be in the near future.

But I also love the Cosmopolitan magazine as its only £1 and has some great content and pictures. 
I would highly recommend this magazine if you love fashion images, articles about celebrities, makeup and fashion. The magazine is perfect as a coffee table read or a bed time read 

Hope you like this post.

Please comment your favourite magazine and please follow.

Sarah X


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