Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Wednesday 28 June 2017

June Favourites 2017

Hi chappes,

Today is another favourites which is crazy as I feel t was like last week that I was writing my May favourites. I have quite a few so....

Beauty Favourites

Benefit Hoola Lite Bronzer - a gorgeous bronzer for this season

Rimmel #Insta Fix and Go Powder - a lovely light powder

Tanya Burr Forever Summer Highlighter - adds a natural glow to the cheekbones

Maybelline the Colossal Go Extreme Mascara - a great al round mascara 

Soap and Glory Supercat Eyeliner - create amazing opaque wings and so easy to use

Other Favourites

Ackley Bridge - a school based drama (so good), quite like Waterloo Road

Pretty Little Liars- just before writing this post I watched the final episode. Its so sad thats there is no more PLL :(

Zoe and Alfies vlogs - as most of you probably know the famous youtube couple Zalfie moved house this month. So I have loved watching their vlogs for 3 years but especially recently as they have moved in to a gorgeous new home.  

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


Monday 26 June 2017

Maybelline the Colossal Go Extreme Mascara

Hi chappes,

I am a massive mascara fanatic - I love trying new mascara. I'm a big fan of the Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara so I wanted to try some other of Maybelline mascaras. And I came across the Maybelline Go Extreme mascara in leather black.This mascara was one of there new ones for the London Fashion week.

The applicator is huge - the double pump wand adds an extra shot of volume. It claims to make your lashes x16 larger - I'm not sure if its 16x larger but it does add a lot of volume. As the brush is bigger it can pick up all your lashes which is great. 
I look for curl, volume and length in my mascara - and this adds all without bing clumpy. I find thats it's so hard to find in a mascara which adds volume but doesn't make your lashes clumpy or stick together. It's also a really nice layering mascara - so you can wait for the first layer to try and apply another layer if you want a more fuller lashes.

One downside - which is very small, its not a very good bottom lash mascara as the brush is so big its very hard not to get mascara under your eyes.

I do love this mascara - great for everyday and night.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X

Sunday 25 June 2017

50 Questions You've Never Been Asked

Hi chappes,

I was tagged mt the lovely Em from to complete the 50 Questions You've Never Been Asked. I love writing these posts. 

1. What is your favourite candle scent?
Bath and Body Works Candle in 'Thousand Wishes' -I love this scent so much 

2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Probably Tanya Burr (she probably counts as a celebrity) as she's amazing at makeup and baking. And I love her fashion sense.

3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Shawn Mendes as he seems a nice guy and I love his songs. And i could go traveling whilst he's on tour.

4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
I do love a good wedding -probably mid to late 20s5. Do you know a hoarder?
Yes - I'm quite a sedimental person

6. Can you do the splits?
I really wish I could but I can't X

7. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
5/6 probably - can't really remember to be honest

8. How many Oceans have you swam in?
3 I think

9. How many countries have you visited?
Around 15 i think - my favourites definitely Canada and Norway

10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
My Dad was in the RAF 

11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
At the moment I love Sophie Grace

12. What would you name your son if you had one?
I'm not sure - I like George or Alfred

13. What’s the worst grade you’ve got in a test?
U - it was a really hard paper ( Everyone in the class did)

14. What was your favourite TV show as a kid?
Tracy Beaker or when I was really little the Tweenies

15. What did you dress up as for Halloween when you were 8?
I don't celebrate Halloween - so I never dressed up

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
I've 2 Harry Potter books - prefer watching the films

17. Would you rather have an American or a British accent?

18. Did your Mother go to University?
Yes - St Andrews to do Languages

19. Are your grandparents still married?

20. Have you ever taken Kerate lessons?
Nope - to scared too  

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
Yep - the one of the Muppets 

22. What was the first amusement park you went to?
Drayton Manor 

23. What language beside your native language would you like to be fluent in?
Italian - as I love Italy

24. Do you spell the colour as grey or gray?

25. Is your father bald?

26. Do you know any triplets?
No - but I do know a quadruplet

27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
I hadn't watched either

28. Have you ever had Indian food?
YES - I love Indian food, one of my faves

29. What’s the name of your favourite restaurant?

30. Have you ever been to Nandos?
YES!!! I do love a good Nandos 

31. Do you belong to and warehouse stores? (Costco, Bookers etc)
Nope - didn't know they existed 

32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I'm not sure

33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Sar or Sazzie

34. Who is your favourite person in the world?
That question is to hard - does my cat count

35. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
City - probably because I live in the countryside now so I dance a change. I'm in love with London.

36. Can you whistle?
Yep - and I can wobble whistle which is quite high pitch

37. Do you sleep with a night light?

38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
I try too - sometimes I run out of time

39. What medical conditions do you have?

40. How many times have you been to hospital?
None - apart from when I was born

41. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
Yep but not for a while

42. Where do you buy your jeans?
New Look - but I would love to try some Topshop jeans as they look so good 

43. What was the last compliment you got?
Some compliment me on my hair

44. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?

45. What flavour tea do you enjoy?
Just English Breakfast Tea 

46. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
6 - not many, but enough for everyday 

47. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
Christianity as thats what I been raised to believe 

48. How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
7/8 I think 

49. Why do you have a blog?
I started this blog because i had the confidence to write one and i wanted to write this blog for a hobby.

50. Name 5 of your favourite albums ever
1. 25 by Adele
2. Places by Lea Michele
3. Illuminate by Shawn Mendes 
4. 21 by Adele
5. Glory Days by Little Mix

I tag : Kate Rose and LuxuryBlush

Hope you like this post and thanks again Em for nominating me.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


Friday 23 June 2017

Rimmel #Insta Fix & Matte Powder

Hi chappes,

I first saw this powder on Rimmel's Road Trip with HelloOctober and ICovetThee who are 2 youtubers I love. And they used this powder and it looked gorgeous - I do love a good a translucent powder. Most of you probably know I'm in love with the Rimmel Stay Matte powder so I wanted to see how this differs.

Firstly I love that there is hashtags on the powder and I really like the packaging - its really compacted so great for travel.

I usually have dry skin so I love that when a powder sets your foundation without looking cakey or make your skin look dry. Due to the powder being fine its amazing at keeping your foundation stay on for a long time. 

Ive tried the powder with a RT powder brush as well as a complexion sponge under the eye to bake slightly. And its great for both especially at preventing creasing underneath the eyes.

Hope you like this post and I would highly recommend this powder.

Please follow and comment.

Sarah X

Wednesday 21 June 2017

What's In My June Makeup Bag

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to share what I have in my  June Makeup Bag - I love these posts. As you can see what others favourites are of the month and you may see some products you haven't tried before.

 With these products you can create a range of products from everyday to smokey evening looks. And the bronzer and highlighter is great for a summer glory makeup.
And my makeup bag is the Zoella one part of her Sweet Inspirations collection. Its lovely, big and great for travelling.


L'Oreal Hydra Genius Moisturising Lotion

Revlon Colourstay Foundation

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer 

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder

Hoola Lite Bronzer

Tanya Burr Forever Summer Highlighter 

Eyes and Brows

Benefit Gimme Brow

Urban Decay Palette

KIKO 01 Eyeshadow

Soap and Glory Supercat Eyeliner 

Maybelline Lash Sensational Luscious Mascara 


This depends but this are my lipsticks featured in my latest Past Week in Lipsticks - quite a lot of pink tones do accord in the summer.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


Monday 19 June 2017

Bath and Body Works 'Live Fresh' Body Lotion

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to talk about my favourite body lotion of the moment - the Bath and Body Works 'Live Fresh'. Its a great summer lotion which smells so good.

I picked this up last summer on holiday as we don't have Bath and Body Works in the Uk. But that would be AMAZING!

I love the Shea and Vitamin E extracts in the lotion. It makes fast-absorbing and makes the skin feel really nourished. The lotion is also really not greasy as thats the feeling I hate when you can feel the lotion still absorbing into the skin.
A nice lotion is great as there is nothing better than soft, nourished legs in the summer. 

I would love to try some more lotions in different scents as I love them so much.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X

Sunday 18 June 2017

First Impressions: Benefit Hoola Lite

Hi chappes,

Yesterday I picked up Hoola Lite - I've been honestly be waiting for this bronzer for months. So I was excited to finally be able to purchased it yesterday especially as I put it on my Summer wishlist.

I loved the formula of the original Hoola but it is stilly too dark and this one perfectly matches my skin tone. It adds a slight warmth and a bit of contour. So I can add some shape to my face and sharpen my jaw line. I love the finish - it's a soft matte powder. And the tones are really nice - not too orange. It adds a lovely bronze to the skin - It was really easy to blend.

The packaging is really cute as well - it's a box packaging like the rest of the cheek products for Benefit. The size fits really well in my makeup drawers.

From my first impression - I LOVE this bronzer. Highly recommend this for pale skin tone.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X

Friday 16 June 2017

Summer Beauty Wishlist 2017

Hi chappes,

I love writing this post as one i love summer makeup and two I can show my favourite new in products. I wrote a similar post last year and it seemed popular.

Kylie Cosmetic Vacation Bundle

I have always love the look of Kylie Cosmetic products- never purchased any and this collection looks AMAZING!! I watched Jeffre Star review yesterday on it and they look so pigmented and the highlighters are so glowing.

Benefit Hoola Lite Powder

I love Hoola bronzer but as I'm quite okay very pale it can look quite muddy or is too dark. So when Benefit said they released a light version of Hoola I was very excited. So I'm definitely going to pick this up soon.

Urban Decay 'Naked Skin Shapeshifter' light medium shift contour palette

I love Urban Decay makeup and this palette looks lovely and has a range of product which is perfect for travelling. It contains a range of cream concealers and contours as well as powder contouring face products.

Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette

I have love Jaclyn channel for awhile and when she released this palette collaboration with Morphe I was so happy for her. And this palette is gorgeous with a range of shades - neutrals and bright colours.

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Bronzer

Estee always bring gorgeous bronzers out every summer and beauty youtubers and bloggers highly recommend them. So I would love to try it.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


Wednesday 14 June 2017

How I Wash My Makeup Brushes

Hi chappes,

Today I had a free day so I thought it was the perfect time to clean my makeup brushes as they were getting a bit dirty. I love using clean brushes and your makeup apply so much better.

These are all my brushes - its quite a small collection but I use all the brushes regularly as well as my complexion sponge. And a small collection means less brushes to wash and clean.

I keep it very simple as I don't want to apply to many products on the brushes. 
I only apply hot water and soap (at the moment I use Fairy liquid) . I don't use anything fancy I have no brush cleansing glove or palette which would be nice. 
But all I do is apply hot water to the brush, then pump some soap on the back of my hands and swirl the brush to get a lava. 
Then rinse it under until all the soap has gone. 
I repeat this process until the brush is clean and no sign of makeup.

It's really quick and simple but it works.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X

Monday 12 June 2017

My Past Week in Lipsticks #3

Hi chappes,

Hope you have all had a nice week. Today I wanted to share my week in lipsticks as my last one seemed popular and it also shows my go to lip products are the moment.

Monday was a no makeup day so I'm on study leave for my exams so I just wore lip balm. My favourite lip balm has to be the Maybelline Baby Lips. Its really affordable and great at keeping your lips moisturised through out the day.

Tuesday -I went for a gold summer eye using Urban Decay 'Half Baked' eyeshadow so I wanted a matte nude with  slight pink tone. So MAC x FleurdeForce and this was the perfect lipstick to go with the eye. It finished off a summer glowy look.

Wednesday- I was in of a rush due to having a morning exam so just out bronzer on my lids so when for my go to long lasting liquid - NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Cannes. Its a great through on lipstick and I love the colour.

Thursday -As the UK has had very nice weather recently - my lips have got dry by the sun. So I wanted a moisturising lipstick - the lipstick that came to mind was my YSL Rouge Volupte in 47. A gorgeous everyday nude.

Friday -I was in a very spring/summer mood so I went for my Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in Kidmans Kiss - I vex pigmented rosy pink. Great for this season and so long wearing.

Saturday - I had a family event so I wanted a long lasting liquid and a had a pinky eye so wanted a pink lip to go with that. So I chose the Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in 'Crush'- lovely and pigmented - gorgeous colour.

Sunday was a travelling/relaxing day so I went to my most worn lipstick my Kate Moss 045 lipstick. Gorgeous tones and great throw on lipstick for a bit of colour of the lips.

Hope you lie this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


Sunday 11 June 2017

Soap and Glory Supercat Eyeliner

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to write about the Soap and Glory Supercat Eyeliner - I signed up for the mailing list and said I would get a free gift. And my free gift arrived and it was a the Supercat eyeliner which is perfect for me as I love a good winged eyeliner.

I love this eyeliner - the pigmentation is amazing, it's an intense black colour which is great for an eyeliner.

The pen makes so easy to create a thin line and a wing. It's create for everyday but you can also create a dramatic look.
The formula is also really long wearing and is great as it doesn't smudge through out the day.

I would highly recommend this eyeliner to any beginners as its so easy to use as well as any beauty looks looking for a good eyeliner.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X

Friday 9 June 2017

What I've Been Reading, Watching and Listening To Lately June 2017

Hi chappes,

One of my favourite bloggers 'Pint Sized Beauty' wrote a similar post and I love it! So I wanted to write my version of what I've been reading, watching and listening too recently.

Reading - To be honest I don't really like reading books. But I'm a big fan of reading magazines whether thats the Hello magazine or cooking magazines. At the moment I love reading the Slimming World magazines as they have seem really nice low calorie, healthy recipes. But also some inspirational stories of people who have lost a lot of weight.

Watching - To be like dramas/soaps so I love Hollyoaks - best show ever! But I also have been watching the final episodes of Pretty Little Liars. And on Wednesday a new drama walked 'Ackley Bridge' started which I have been watching. Oh and Love Island, I watched it last year and I really liked it so I was excited when it was announced it would be back this summer - 7 weeks of TV sorted!!

I'm also a massive fan of Youtube, so I love watching Pointlessblog, Zoella, Tanya Burr, In the Frow, Louise Pentland  and quite a lot more..

Listening - There is a lot of music I've liked at the moment like Harry Styles new album, Lea Michele album as well as some of my favourite music - Adele 25. I also have been listening to all the music played at the 'One Love, Manchester' concert which was Amazing! 

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X
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