Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

How I Wash My Makeup Brushes

Hi chappes,

Today I had a free day so I thought it was the perfect time to clean my makeup brushes as they were getting a bit dirty. I love using clean brushes and your makeup apply so much better.

These are all my brushes - its quite a small collection but I use all the brushes regularly as well as my complexion sponge. And a small collection means less brushes to wash and clean.

I keep it very simple as I don't want to apply to many products on the brushes. 
I only apply hot water and soap (at the moment I use Fairy liquid) . I don't use anything fancy I have no brush cleansing glove or palette which would be nice. 
But all I do is apply hot water to the brush, then pump some soap on the back of my hands and swirl the brush to get a lava. 
Then rinse it under until all the soap has gone. 
I repeat this process until the brush is clean and no sign of makeup.

It's really quick and simple but it works.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment and follow.

Sarah X


  1. This is a really handy blog post! And also reminds me that I need to give my brushes a clean! 🌸

    1. Thank you for commenting Sophie and I'm glad you like this post X I always forget to clean my brushes too.
      Sarah X

  2. I need to clean some of my brushes, so this is really handy! It's so interesting to learn how other people clean their brushes. I recently bought a cleaner thing from Primark which works really well!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Thank you for commenting Hannah and I'm glad you like this post. I don't know why I love watching and reading posts about washing makeup brushes. I would love to try a proper brush cleaner but keep forgetting too.
      Sarah X

  3. Thank you, you've reminded me that I need to wash my brushes! I recommend using baby shampoo as it keeps your brushes super soft! xx

    1. Thank you for commenting Hannah and I will definitely try some baby shampoo to clean my brushes.
      Sarah X

  4. Really enjoyed this post! Just like the above comments I really need to wash my brushes they have gotten so dirty it's not even funny so thank you for the reminder. I'm just like you, I have a small collection and personally it's better you get to use all of your brushes regularly. :)

    1. Thank you for commenting Megan and totally agree - a small brush collection means you use all of them and also less time to clean them X
      Sarah X

  5. I lothe cleaning my make up brushes haha thanks for sharing how you do yours. I hate doing it but feel so much better once it's done.

    Jordanne ||

    1. Thank you for commenting Jordanne - same I don't really like washing them but I usually play something on in the background (today was yesterdays PLL). But I'm so happy when they are clean.
      Sarah X

  6. I do pretty much the same thing except I have a little silicon brush cleaner! I got it really cheap at TJ Maxx and it gets the soap and product out so much better for me :)

    Beauty From Katie

    1. Thank you for commenting Katie and definitely need to try actually brush cleaner as it sounds so much better.
      Sarah X

  7. I feel like if i was more savvy like you and had a smaller collection I'd definitely clean my brushes more!! Love the collection of Real Techniques ones, good choice!
    Alice Xx

    1. Thank you for commenting Alice and I love Real Techniques brushes -they are amazing condition and really affordable.
      Sarah X


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