Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Sunday 3 September 2017

My September Goals | Blogging and Personal

Hi chappes,

For me September is a great time to set goals especially because its the start of the academic year. And for me its my last year at school/sixth form/college.
Blogging Goals

~ Continue Blogging and get back into the routine - after 3 weeks off blogging it will be nice to get back into the routine.

~ Enjoy writing Autumnal posts - Autumn is one of my favourite seasons.

Personal Goals 

~ Work Hard! This year is quite important for me so I need to work hard and get the grades I want.

~ Eat Healthy - I loved some weight over my holiday so I want to keep the weight loss and lose anymore if possible. 

~ Have fun with my friends - a lot of my friends I have known most of my life and this is our last year all together.

Hope you like this post.

Please comment your goals and please follow.

Sarah X

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