Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Saturday 31 December 2016

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017

Hi chappes,

So today I wanted to write a "Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017" post - I was inspired to write this post after one of Zoella Christmas videos and I loved it so i wanted to write a similar one.


This past year has had it up and downs - globally and personally. So I wanted to share my 5 top memories of this year;

1. Canada 
3. Adele Concert
4. Starting this blog
5. Christmas 


My New Years Resolutions for 2017 are: 

1. Exercise More - at the beginning of the 2016 I was in a really good routine, but recently not really. So i would love to be in a routine again and lose weight.

2. Eat Healthy - as Christmas time has meant there have been quite a lot of chocolates and lots of food. So I want to get in a good eating routine and trying to eat healthier - with some veggie days etc.

3. Gain more confidence - I am rather a shy person and rather my self confidence isn't the best. So I would love to gain more confidence - I don't know how but I would love too.

I only have 3 resolutions this year due to I would probably read them.

Hope you like this post

Please comment your New Years Resolutions and follow.

Sarah X


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