Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion Blog

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Blogmas 7: Top 10 Christmas Movies

Hi chappes,

Today I wanted to share my Top 10 Christmas films. I find sitting down to watch a Christmas movie is the perfect way to get into the festive spirit! 

It was actually quite hard to narrow it down to just ten as there are so many amazing films out there, and so many on TV at this time of year. These are all films I can watch over and over again
So, in no particular order, my top 10 are…


Four Christmas

Home Alone

Love Actually

Arthur Christmas

Miracle on 34th Street

Polar Express

The Grinch

The Christmas Carol

Whilst We Were Sleeping

Hope you like this post.

Please comment your favourite films and please follow.

Sarah x


  1. Polar Express is such a great movie :D

    Lotte |

    1. Thank you for commenting Lotte and I love Polar Express especially the music X
      Sarah X


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